Sunday, March 23, 2008

Weekend recap

So it was a crazy weekend. Here are some of the highlights…

Thursday night – My friend Michael came over and brought his Mom’s dog to my house. The dog is stinkin cute and I decided to need one. Seeing as how a dog is a little different then a purse, I’ve decided to think about this purchase instead of making an impulse buy.

Friday I spent the day in Rochester with my Grandma and other members of my extended family. I got home late Friday night, worked on my final project for school and went to bed about 3:30. At 4AM I heard a loud noise and had a horrible thought cross my mind…another mouse in my house.

I set a trap Saturday morning and left to go spend the night with my family for the Easter Holiday. Sunday night I came home and guess what? I caught another mouse! I’m completely grossed out and will have a hard time sleeping tonight, but at least another mouse is dead in the world.

Quote of the Day

I’m not a minor, I’m David.”
-My little brothers response to me when I told him I would not buy him alcohol cause he’s a minor.

The mouse catcher…


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you have redeemed yourself!