1. Mice – To me, mice are the worst. Everything about a mouse is horrible. They are ishy, squeaky and annoying. I would rather not shoe shop for one month then have a mouse in my house.

2. Flying – I think the whole concept of not being in control is why I hate this task so much. I would rather drive 30 hours in a car then fly 4 hours. I know, I’m weird, but I don’t like it!

3. Pudding – Ok, this one is extremely weird, but true. I like yogurt and Jell-O, but something about pudding creeps me out. I think this is because I am a big texture person.

So now you know what creeps me out. So I wanna know…what is your biggest fear?
The weekend is almost over…Boo
The weekend is almost over…Boo
My biggest fear is peeps afraid of puddin'!!!
does that mean you won't come visit me?
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