Here's the best part about the Chris Farley security guard...he's probably 100 lbs. over weight and if I was ever in a real emergency, it would take him 3 hours to get to me. At night, when I am leaving work, I always walk past him and he is always watching something on You Tube. The last thing I hear when I leave work for the day is Chris Farley laughing really loud, but more then that, breathing really heavily.
The second one we call Chachi. Reason being...he looks just like Chachi.

It's daylight savings time...set you clocks. You know what I think is dumb? There are clocks in the store, whose biggest selling point is that it "automatically adjusts for daylight savings time." Now, how hard is it to change your clock 2 times a year? We are getting more and more lazy.
Confessions of a GE Shuttle Bus Driver
"You gotta teach them Indian folk how to open a car door. Geez...they must not have cars in India."
Check ya later
luv it!!!
do you say these things to their faces? its kinda mean. i hope they wouldn't be hurt if they stumbled upon your blog and read it.
Apparently "Debbie Downer" needed to post a comment!!
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