Saturday, March 29, 2008
Stupid website of the day
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Talking Stain
I love it!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Why I love John Krasinski
-An essay by me

Why do I love John Krasinski? Let me count the ways!
He’s tall dark and handsome
He worked on Conan and that’s pretty dope
He looks into the camera with that smirk…yum
He was in the Sexiest Man Alive Issue of People magazine
He is so stinkin adorable in the Gap ads.
He can juggle
He used to be a bartender
His dream is to open a Dunkin Donuts
The Office comes back April 10th…best day ever!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Woman of the Year

Here’s what I think I need to do…
· Start worrying about global warming and become friends with Al Gore
· Adopt a child from a third world country
· Stop eating so I can be really thin
· Give millions of dollars to charity
· Work with congress on some bill that has to do with global warming
· Date/marry a really cute celebrity
· Drive a hybrid vehicle
· Make Oprah be my best friend so she can nominate me for this award
So I’ve decided I’m probably not going to be Glamour magazine’s “Woman of the Year” anytime soon.
I want to take a train trip. I’ve never done it before, and I think it would be fun. Even if I just went to like Chicago, I think it could be a good time. Anyone want to accompany me? If Tony P is reading this, I’m automatically disqualifying you.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Weekend recap
Thursday night – My friend Michael came over and brought his Mom’s dog to my house. The dog is stinkin cute and I decided to need one. Seeing as how a dog is a little different then a purse, I’ve decided to think about this purchase instead of making an impulse buy.
Friday I spent the day in Rochester with my Grandma and other members of my extended family. I got home late Friday night, worked on my final project for school and went to bed about 3:30. At 4AM I heard a loud noise and had a horrible thought cross my mind…another mouse in my house.
I set a trap Saturday morning and left to go spend the night with my family for the Easter Holiday. Sunday night I came home and guess what? I caught another mouse! I’m completely grossed out and will have a hard time sleeping tonight, but at least another mouse is dead in the world.
Quote of the Day
I’m not a minor, I’m David.”
-My little brothers response to me when I told him I would not buy him alcohol cause he’s a minor.
The mouse catcher…
Monday, March 17, 2008
Top 10 things that bother me
1. Bumper Stickers
2. People who drive slow in the left lane
3. Political correctness
4. When people talk about people you don’t know but only refer to them as "Tom or Jenny."
5. Teenage girls from age 12-16
6. Women who wear 2 piece bathing suits who clearly should not be (especially if they are over the age of 40)
7. The Honda Element (ugliest car ever)
8. Cats (the animal)
9. Wasting two hours of my life on a stupid movie (i.e. License to Wed)
10. People that believe it when they get an e-mail from a random King in Africa who promises them millions of dollars, but they first need $2,000 to get things rolling.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Short but some good gossip
David Hernandez was voted off American Idol tonight. So sad…
Sabrina the Teenage Witch, AKA Melissa Joan Hart, had a baby boy this morning. I wonder if
You gotta check out This is Britney Spears newest music video for her song “Break the Ice.” The video is animated and I’m loving it!
Next blog will be 10 Things that drive me crazy…stay tuned!
Quote of the Day
"I assume you all have guns and crack!"
Sunday, March 9, 2008
My 3 fears in life
1. Mice – To me, mice are the worst. Everything about a mouse is horrible. They are ishy, squeaky and annoying. I would rather not shoe shop for one month then have a mouse in my house.

3. Pudding – Ok, this one is extremely weird, but true. I like yogurt and Jell-O, but something about pudding creeps me out. I think this is because I am a big texture person.

The weekend is almost over…Boo
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Chris Farley, Chachi and She-mullet

Here's the best part about the Chris Farley security guard...he's probably 100 lbs. over weight and if I was ever in a real emergency, it would take him 3 hours to get to me. At night, when I am leaving work, I always walk past him and he is always watching something on You Tube. The last thing I hear when I leave work for the day is Chris Farley laughing really loud, but more then that, breathing really heavily.
The second one we call Chachi. Reason being...he looks just like Chachi.

It's daylight savings time...set you clocks. You know what I think is dumb? There are clocks in the store, whose biggest selling point is that it "automatically adjusts for daylight savings time." Now, how hard is it to change your clock 2 times a year? We are getting more and more lazy.
Confessions of a GE Shuttle Bus Driver
"You gotta teach them Indian folk how to open a car door. Geez...they must not have cars in India."
Check ya later
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Confessions of a GE Shuttle Bus Driver

George is probably in his mid 80’s and has lived a very interesting life. George is probably the most non politically correct person I’ve ever met. He says some very interesting things every day and I would like to share some of his thoughts with you.
Confessions of a GE Shuttle Bus Driver
“Why do those Indian women come to work in their pajamas?”
-question asked by the shuttle bus driver
when he saw an Indian women in her
traditional Indian clothes
Stay tuned for more confessions.
I will think of some better ideas for blogging…
Monday, March 3, 2008
People you meet once, but will never see again
For some reason 2 of my girlfriends and I decided it would be a smart idea to drive with 2 guys we had just met to their “boat” they told us about. We get in their Jeep and start driving. I’m realizing as we’re driving that we’re not going towards the boat dock that I know. In my head I hear the Law and Order theme song playing. I could see the Dateline special in my head.
3 girls go out for a night of fun and don’t return.
So we eventually get to a dock that I wasn’t aware of and there really were boats there. So we walk towards the boats and we didn’t go to the small fishing boat like I thought. We walk up to a yacht. This boat is huge and has 2 levels. There is a bathroom, bedroom and a fully stocked bar. Ba dah bamp bum bum…I’m loving it! So we ended up hanging out on this really nice boat and having a great time. I eventually made it home in one piece and was not the subject of a Dateline special.
Quote of the Day
“I think we’re dead. Time is going by really really slow.”
-Stupid cop who smoked some
weed and then called 911