Thursday, January 8, 2009

It's been awhile

I know...I guys are mad at me.  I've heard the complaints and I'm here to make life better for you.  I am going to be more faithful at my blogging.  I know it's a HUGE part of your life, so I will keep you satisfied.  

3 Interesting things in my life

1.  I'm going to Australia 6 weeks from today and I'm super de duper excited!
2.  Jill and I are going to see Britney Spears in April
3.  30 days of Nights (with Josh Hartnett) is the dumbest movie ever.  If you ever watch it, I warned you.

Ok, check you guys lata!


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Things going on

Ok, so I just got a call from my big sister and she let me know she has discovered my blog.  So I was motivated to blog tonight.  Things going on in my life...

1.  Adding Hip-hop dance lessons on top of tap
2.  Trying to do some "spring" cleaning of my super un-organized house
3.  I'm thinking about having a baby

Ok, thanks for reading my blog.  Have a super night.


P.S.  I'm just kidding about number 3.  

Monday, August 18, 2008

Mantana = Tiny Dancers

So...I apologize as I promised my loyal readers I would be blogging while I was in Mantana this last weekend and we all know that did not happen.  There are many reasons why I was not able to.  Anyways...recap of the weekend...12 hour car ride, dope hotel, fun with really good and amazing friends, a great wedding and many memories that will last forever.

Tiny Dancer - a short woman who came into our life at exactly the right moment.

Ody, Who are you wearing?  Who are you with?  Are you still with Don?

I want to jump off that stage...cackle, cackle

Joey Gladstone - a bartender who looks just like Joey Gladstone from Full House

The Wagon Wheel - a bar we should not have gone into as everyone we met later told us people got stabbed there.

Ok, I'm going home.  A group of ladies next to me at Panera are giving me a headache


Saturday, July 26, 2008

I gotta get better at this blogging thing…I need to be more faithful in my blogging. Today was yet another wedding. Tammy is now married and she was beautiful.

Here’s your Bekah Kuh recap from Friday. Friday morning I got a MacBook and it is so cute! Friday afternoon I spent at my parent’s campsite where they have been spending the weekend. I then journeyed back to Stillwater for Lumberjack days with some old friends. We ate Mexican food, listened to a few bands and saw old friends. Lots of fun. Today was Tammy’s wedding and the reception was great. Good friends, good music and great adult beverages!

Tomorrow is my company picnic at Valley Fair. I’m taking my little sister and it will be lots of fun! I’m waiting for my new I-Touch to charge so I can play with it! I’m heading up to Northern Minnesota at the end of this week for a family reunion where I will be entering a talent competition with my tap dancing routine.

Ok, I know this was boring, but I didn’t want you to forget about me.

Check ya later


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Maybe the Best Weekend Ever???

This weekend…there are so many things to tell you.

Friday – After a long day at work, I met up with some friends for happy hour. Happy hour then turned into watching tornadic activity and then going to the horse races. After loosing a few bucks we headed over to do Karaoke but then found out there was no Karaoke, but a pretty sweet band. So we busted a move and had a good time. After this, a fight broke out and I sat quietly and watched. I went to bed about 4 AM.

Saturday- One of the best days of my life! We went to the Basilica Block Party and Missy Higgins was going to be performing!!! We had been through the gates for maybe 5 minutes when a girl walked up to me and said “Missy Higgins in standing over by that light pole.” I turned around and a tunnel appeared and there was Missy Higgins standing at the end, just hanging out. I went with my new friend Sarah and she held my hand to keep me calm, cool and collected.

The moment came and I got to meet Missy Higgins! She was super cool and I told her about my trip I’m planning to see my friends in Australia and that I’ve loved her music for a long time, and how cool I thought she was. (Keep in mind I was shaking the whole time) She then told me she liked how my name was spelt and that she really enjoyed meeting me! So I’m still on my Missy Higgins high! Her concert later was great and I introduced some of my friends to Missy Higgins and now they are all fans!

Sunday – I woke up this morning with a horribly sore throat and stated home from church. This is the first Sunday I have missed in a very long time. So I sat around and slept and am writing this blog.

Ok, I’m heading to make some soup. Word.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. ~Author Unknown

I decided to try something new. I’m going to blog about a friend of mine in each post. Now before you say boring, let me tell you…I have some fun, interesting and fabulous friends.

I will begin by blogging about a good friend of mine who is a faithful reader of my blog. I envy her. She is so great! She has done some amazing things in her 24 years of life. She has lived in Alaska, Fiji and Mexico City.

She has skydived, taken a group of Alaskan students to NYC, and learned to speak a few different languages. She loves to learn and spends her time helping others. She is truly a great person and I am honored to be her friend.

Ok, that was a sappy one. But she’s really cool. Tomorrow I’ll be blogging about a sketchy friend…don’t worry…the drama is on its way.

Blowing bubbles are fun,

Monday, June 23, 2008

To Tap or Not to Tap

So I decided to do something I've never done before. This evening I attended my 3rd tap dance lesson of my life. It's something I always thought would be fun to do and looked like fun. Well 3 weeks into it, I have 3 things to say.

1. My toes hurt

2. Everyone in my class has white hair except for the guy who looks about my age, but does not like girls.

3. It is actually REALLY hard So if you are reading this blog, I expect to see you at my recital in September.

Tapping away,
