Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. ~Author Unknown

I decided to try something new. I’m going to blog about a friend of mine in each post. Now before you say boring, let me tell you…I have some fun, interesting and fabulous friends.

I will begin by blogging about a good friend of mine who is a faithful reader of my blog. I envy her. She is so great! She has done some amazing things in her 24 years of life. She has lived in Alaska, Fiji and Mexico City.

She has skydived, taken a group of Alaskan students to NYC, and learned to speak a few different languages. She loves to learn and spends her time helping others. She is truly a great person and I am honored to be her friend.

Ok, that was a sappy one. But she’s really cool. Tomorrow I’ll be blogging about a sketchy friend…don’t worry…the drama is on its way.

Blowing bubbles are fun,

1 comment:

Deanna said...

ah... that was awefully sweet. :)