In my many years of working in Corporate America (3 years to be exact) I have learned many important things. I would like to use today's blog to let you know what I have learned. I've narrowed it down to the top 10 things I have learned as a result of working in Corporate America.
1. People really do sleep with their bosses in order to get ahead. Before I thought this was something only done in the movies, but it really happens.
2. Those same people who sleep with their bosses in order to get ahead will also do anything (or anyone) to be successful. Watch out for these people!
3. If you're in a close environment with a lot of other people don't cackle really loudly every 2 minutes. First of all it scares the crap out of people. Secondly, it's REALLY annoying!
4. Don't get in a fist fight in the lobby of your office. Number 1, it's unprofessional. Number 2, you will most likely get fired. (Chances are if you're involved in a fist fight in the lobby of your work, you were already well on your way to getting fired)
5. Don't have phone "relations" with a client, even if you sit in an office. These conversations are recorded and you will be asked to discuss in detail why you said the things you said.
6. Be respectful of what you wear. Even if you have a smokin' hot body, don't dress like a slu. You can still look smokin' hot without showing everything you have to offer.
7. Follow up to #6. If you have a little extra candy coating/you're a little chunky, don't dress like you have a smokin' hot body. No one wants to see that…yuck!
8. Don't be a tattle tale. If someone isn't doing something how you would like, don't go right to their boss and complain. Talk to the person and tell them what you would like it to be done.
9. Use all of your sick days…even if you're not sick. Did you know you can use a sick day for "mental relaxation?" For me this means shoe shopping and watching old Usher music videos…Yes please!
10. If you're going to reply to an e-mail where a bunch of people were copied on, make sure you don't hit reply to all (especially if you are making fun of one of those people)
There you have it. The Top 10 Things I've learned Working in Corporate America. It's a real learning experience!
Quote of the Day
"I would also marry parmesan cheese…but it's a little rough around the edges." -Mike W.
Happy Friday!